
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

For what it's worth

Bones made it through the Bones-proof fence.  It was at a spot I'd identified as needing additional work, but I was hoping it would take her a bit longer to find it.  Never underestimate the tenacity of goats.  Don't know how long she spent looking, but it was long enough given that less than 24 hours after the previous phase of Bones-proofing the fence was complete she was getting through a different way.

Anyway, as I was at the farm, not farming, I was thinking that maybe instead of NaNoWriMo I could do something like a post a day of fiction.  Try to force myself to return to some things that have languished.
ok, admittedly that last one is kind of random

Skewed Slightly to the Left I have kind of gotten back to, so it's not languishing
You may notice that you're not reading it.

So that plan didn't take long to go from conception to failure.

Tomorrow's going to be a lot of hard work, and not the writing kind.

But do feel free to make requests because maybe doing so will cause inspiration to hit me, and maybe I'll have time, and maybe I'll get something.

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