
Friday, November 1, 2013

Twilight: "I may not be a human, but I am a man"

[Originally posted at Ana Mardoll's Ramblings.]

[From Twilight:] “I may not be a human, but I am a man,” he assured me.
What does that even mean? I mean in another context it might mean, "Male pronouns, please," or something, but he's talking about sexual desire here.
"I may not be human, but like Zeus I am a man and so am on the lookout for younger men with whom I can have intercrural sexual relations."
"I may not be human, but I am a man. A man like Sherlock Holmes. I have no sexual desires at all."
"I may not be human, but I am a man. A man like Ramses the Second, I plan to have sex with as many women as I can so why not you?"
"I may not be human, but I am a man. And as a man let me say I find you as hot as I find Dr. Banner."
"I may not be human, but I am a man. Sort of like Jesus."
"Da Vinci Code Jesus, or Shaker Jesus?"
"What, and spoil the ending?"
"I may not be human, but I am a man. Like all those men who won't be able to get married in this state until December 6th, 2012."
"Ask Alice."
"I may not be human, but I am a man. A man who is fantasizing about a three way involving you, me, and Eric."
"I may not be human, but I am a man. A man who is over 100 years old. You're a bit young for me Isabella."
"I may not be human but what the fuck does this even mean?



  1. Are you sure it shouldn't be read as "*I* am a *MAN*" punctuated by punching a robot in the gut a la Bearded Idiot from Superman At World's End?

  2. "I may not be human, but I am a man. It means I can't kill the Lord of the Nazgul. At least, not on my own. We'll need a woman... wait, was I supposed to talk about sexual desire here?"

    --- Redcrow

    1. You might possibly need a Hobbit...then again, maybe a Vampire would do...the source material is mostly clear but does leave a bit of room for alternate interpretations.
