
Friday, September 1, 2017

Last Week to vote for me for this year's KP fannie awards

On the seventh of this month voting closes on the Annual Kim Possible Fannie Awards.

To vote you send an email or PM with your votes (you don't need to vote for each category, you do need to limit yourself to at most one vote per category) to [kimmunityfannies (at) yahoo (dot) com] or this account on, respectively.

The full list of nominees can be found here.

This list was quickly thrown together and just has everything I've been nominated for, not everything I necessarily think I deserve.  (I'm not going to vote for me in category 1, for example.)

It also has the handful of things I have strong opinions on.  Note that I'm split (I haven't voted yet myself) on whether GerbilHunter or HopefulHuskey deserves to win Best Reviewer (24).  Since there can only be one vote per category, I'll have to break the tie in my head, and anyone following my advice will have to come up with their own decision.

If you think my work/me worthy, please vote for it/me
  1. Best KP Style Name
    • Leela P. Poossible – Being More than A Simulacrum – ChrisTheCynic
  2. Best KP OC
    • Leela P. Possible – Being More than A Simulacrum – ChrisTheCynic
  3. Best Minor Character
    • Joss Possible – Being More than A Simulacrum – ChrisTheCynic
  4. Best Villain
  5. Best Songfic
  6. Best AU
    • Life After – Chris the Cynic
  7. Best Cross-over
  8. Best Alternate Pairing
  9. Best KiGo
  10. Best Kim/Ron
  11. Best Comedy
  12. Best Romance
  13. Best Friendship
    • Place and Joss – Being More than A Simulacrum – ChrisTheCynic
  14. Best Action/Adventure
    • Being More than A Simulacrum – ChrisTheCynic
  15. Best Drama

  16. Best One-Shot
  17. Best Series Overall
    • Touch Series – AlyssC01
  18. Most Unlikely/Unique Story
    • Life After – ChrisTheCynic
  19. Best Novel-Sized Story
    • Being More Than A Simulacrum – ChrisTheCynic
  20. Best Short Story
  21. Best Young Author
  22. Best New Author
  23. Best Lines
    • (ChrisTheCynic – From Life After) – As it was he was staying alive mostly by means of having arms. The dogs were big, the dogs were scary, the dogs were fast, but they were incapable of changing direction as quickly as a human being who could reach out, grab onto something, and pivot around it as if they hated their shoulder with a fiery passion and were just begging it to become dislocated.
  24. Best Reviewer
    • GerbilHunter
    • HopefulHuskey
  25. CPNEb Kimmunity Award
    • SharperTheWriter
  26. Kimmunity Achievement Award
  27. Best Story
    • Forgotten Seeds – ChrisTheCynic
  28. Best Writer
    • ChrisTheCynic

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