
Saturday, October 24, 2015

The new new _new_ computer

The computer that went into death throes on the night of the eclipse was the new computer.  Nine months old.  Then the new new computer, as you may recall, was one where I was very much looking forward to the much better monitor.

Just one problem, the much better monitor didn't function as a much better monitor.  What was wrong?  No fucking clue.

I had hoped that I could walk it into best buy, have them fiddle with the drivers, and have it work out ok.  Instead they took it off my hands and assigned it to an agent, which was useless because he managed to look at the only site on the internet that said that model didn't have the fucking awesome monitor and just assumed that was the reason it wasn't being fucking awesome.

I came in with secondary computer opened to the page saying what I ordered, a general overview in the next tab, and the nitty gritty details on the tab after that.

Cue two hours of them doing what they should have done on their own while I was variously bored and in Hell.

But the person who wasn't assigned to the repair but was instead the person behind the counter who was servicing me had an idea.  And he wandered off.  And I couldn't see where he'd gone from the service desk.  But he came back with a proposal: they had a computer in store that was largely the same, provided I didn't have brand loyalty to the brand that new new computer was, that was physically in the store so he could bring it over, take it out of the box, start it up, and see if it actually did what it was supposed to do.

Hence new new new computer, on which I am typing this.

And, I also got my data from new computer, and was able to yank the stuff from new new computer while checking out new new new computer.  So this is now officially an up and running primary computer.  Right now I've just finished porting over my email profile (couldn't do it on new new computer because I didn't have all the data from new computer) which apparently has 1024 new messages.  That's kind of a special number, which is cool, unless that's just the max the server would hold for me in which case it sucks because mail migration will be made more difficult.*

There are still hurdles to clear.  The installing shit that I'd only just started on new new computer needs to be restarted from scratch.  The RAM on this computer is light, which I'll be needing to change, and it just so happens that I have some brand new RAM for expanding the RAM on the new new computer, but ... it's almost the right thing.  Almost, but not quite.  Anyone need two 8 gig laptop size sticks of DDR3 RAM?  Brand new.  Still in the package.

Anyway, for its shortcomings the new new new computer was cheaper, earning me a rebate, which will cover the costs of getting it more in the shape I want.

Was a 4k monitor worth all this shit?  I just looked at a picture I took a year and twentyish days ago of fallen pine needles on a tar path and the words, "Oh my fucking God, that is amazing," came out of me without much cognition between seeing and speaking because, oh my fucking God, that is amazing.


*I was using secondary to check my email while leaving the messages on the server, because that means all I need to do to have all email in one place is to migrate old computer data to new computer (or in this case new computer data to new new new computer) and then get mail from the server.