
Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2013

I like indices.  I like being able to find things.  There's an index overhaul in the near future where I'll be making sure the existing ones are up to date and hopefully making them easier to navigate (the original work index, in particular, is one that I've let get away from me to the point it's nearly two years out of date.)

The plan is to spend this year getting somewhat more caught up on things. Specifically:
On the first day of each month I'll post the index for two years ago if it hasn't been made yet.  On the 16th day I'll post the index for one year ago.
Movies and Games
Higher dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe - Technically I was thinking of the games there being "video games" but where else am I going to put this.  I think I was in high school at the time when I worked out what's described here.  The idea, such as there was one, was to translate the game into higher dimensions such that the following was preserved:

  • if no one made a mistake the game would end in a draw
  • The longest line was three
It, uh, failed.  But I didn't notice that when I originally came up with this (extending at least to six dimensions, maybe more) in, I think, high school.

Something I don't like in movies and "Vanishing on 7th Street" - Helping people gets you killed, being so stupid you get other people killed gives you a free pass to make it to the end credits alive.  Why?

What I would have done with Vanishing on 7th Street. - Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

General Stories/Ideas for Stories:
Stating the Obvious: You are on your zombie apocalypse team - It is your team, after all.

Where Antichrists Come From (Part 1) - I finally put this on the blog, it was written in late 2009.  If one plays Left Behind God straight, then the right and proper thing to do would be to oppose that Eldritch entity.  Thus the Antichrist would be a logical hero figure, thus this story.

Susan, Aslan, Peter, and the leaving of Narnia at the end of Prince Caspian - It's the ending that goes with this beginning, and in it Aslan is a lot better about things like consent.

Image Stuff
Why are there only blizzards when I have to walk between cities for an appointment? (Now with images.) - Straightforward question
What it looks like right now (image post) - While the blizzard was happening
The Blizzard, this morning, (Images) - The next morning
(Image post) Blizzard over, shoveling not so much. -The shoveling job

Me Stuff:
So, it's that time of year again. - While it lasted I always very much wanted to go on the yearly trip to Greece run by my (now-fired) teacher under the aegis of Harvard.  I never had a chance of raising the necessary money, but I always kindled the false hope because it felt good to have the impression there was a shadow of a possibility for however brief a time.

I swear I had something I wanted to post today. - Two years ago I was working through bureaucracy to get public aid, now I'm terrified of losing it.  How things change over time.  Also, Amazon dumped me since then.

Mental Illness can be downright disturbing - So it turns out that I was sitting next to a person in class who thought that the teacher was sending coded and, apparently, hostile messages to her.  Even with everything I know about mental illness and how it shouldn't be stigmatized, it was downright unnerving when she stood up (unintentionally I'm sure) revealed that she and reality weren't on the same wavelength.

The world at large stuff:
About the US Post Office - Why it looks broke even though, in reality, it brings in more money than it spends.

And then The rain - Once we had seasons, now not so much.

How I would do aid for necessities - The way I would do it.  Nothing more or less.

Blizzard Stuff:
Why are there only blizzards when I have to walk between cities for an appointment? (Now with images.) - Straightforward question
But I made it home alive - Blizzard navigated.
What it looks like right now (image post) - While the blizzard was happening
The Blizzard, this morning, (Images) - The next morning
(Image post) Blizzard over, shoveling not so much. -The shoveling job
And then The rain - Once we had seasons, now not so much.

Random stuff:
Interesting ways of making word salad (Post 2) - Honestly it's here for completeness, it's what comes after, for example A Book of Nonsense with words from Through the Looking Glass, which comes two months later in post 4.

Base 12 Math - Addition and Multiplication tables - What it sounds like.

Perl question - needed some help for the word salad.

Word Salad (Post 3) - Pride and Prejudice with the words from Moby Dick.  Chapter 1.  (Otherwise known as FIRE AND BEGINNING By Pequod Frenchman)

Blog stuff:
Same Content, More Places - An announcement that I now have works on Archive of Our Own.  Same stuff as here.  Well, less stuff than here since not everything here meets the criteria to be there.

Weird traffic from Taiwan - Just me asking if anyone had a theory on a weird giant spike in traffic that wasn't associated with anything (good or bad) that might explain it.

I do in fact still exist - There was an unanticipated gap in posting.


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