
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fleas! Oh my fucking god fleas. Also I'm broke. But mostly the fleas.

So I didn't get the computer off to be fixed when I had hoped and wasn't in a position to do it afterward for a while.  The most recent post was prescheduled and I haven't exactly been producing volumes that are just waiting to be posted.  I'm hoping to get the computer shipped off to repairland today.  But that's not the point, this is: Fleas!

All attempts to kill them have only succeeded in making them angry and the result is swarming monstrosities with an appetite for blood.

Most likely what is needed is a series of comprehensive attempts which: a) cover EVERYTHING in the house, and b) are spaced out so that when flea eggs hatch they're killed off before they get a chance to breed.

At the moment I have almost no actual money, absolutely no credit, and not enough wiggle room in bill paying to be able to use the almost-no-money to buy flea killing methods.

I think the phrase is, "Fuckity, fuck fuck fuck," but don't cite me on that.  And in addition to the problems with the furnace I previously mentioned, there's this: my washing machine is apparently at least partially broken.  Fuck.

None of this is really conducive to writing, so I have no idea when I'll be updating the blog next.  If things go well I won't even have the computer for a while because it needs fixing.  More than I originally thought.  In addition to the wireless modem ceasing to work the speakers are acting wonky and the optical disk drive doesn't work right.  Sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes it can show what the disk contains but will fail as soon as you try to do anything, sometimes it spins out of control and won't stop until the power is cut.  (Ejecting via the manual override you need a long thin thing to access {say a needle or a straightened out paperclip} does not cause it to stop spinning, it just demonstrates how fast it is spinning, does a fan impression that is only limited by the fact the disk isn't shaped with an intent to move air, and has the potential to cause friction burns if touched.)

To repeat: if things go well, as in not badly but as good an outcome as can be hoped, I will be without my computer for a while.

Attempts to find some partially working secondary computer to use while the primary is repaired have, thus far, been hindered by the fact that taking a step toward the place where said back up computer would be stored instantly results in my legs being covered in blood sucking devil insects known as fleas.  Fucking fleas.

I don't know what to do about the fleas because no money.  I think the god of money doesn't like me.  This should be when I'm storing up a money reserve to keep me going over the winter months of heightened oil usage, but all appliances seem to want to fail at the same time.  This to the point that I can't afford to buy things with which to kill the fleas.

I did say, "Fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck," right?  *looks up*  Yes, I see that I did.

Ok, so, stuff.  In closing, I'd like to write more of various things.  It's been far too long since I did an Edith and Ben installment, for example, and I've plotted out way more of the princess story in my head than I've actually written, but I have no idea when I'll get to do such things because:
  1. Computer
  2. FLEAS!
  3. Broke
That is all for now.


  1. I apologise for saying this publicly. I don't want to embarrass you, but I don't know of any other way to contact you. I can't do PayPal or credit card or even Western Union at the moment (I don't have a passport currently and I live in one of those weird little countries PayPal doesn't support) but I would like to send you money. Would you feel comfortable being sent a money order? Or would another alternative work better for you. I understand if you don't want to give out information to strangers on the internet and I hope this isn't coming across as creepy. You can contact me at purple dot figtree at gmail dot com if so desired. If not, I understand and I wish you all the best.

    Signed, a lurker.

    1. You did not come across as creepy. I just sent you an email in fact.

      Regardless of any money, I appreciate you delurking to say something.

  2. Write out some notes for the princess story in a notebook!

    Secondarily, maybe discover some rich relatives who like you and will give you a pile of money for your upcoming birthday?

    So not helpful, sorry. I have colored a bunch of mandalas and feel rather better about life, possibly as a result.

  3. :(

    I wish I had suggestions. Best of luck.

    1. All I can say is that yours is one of the blogs I really look forward to reading, and it will make me happy when your life is being less mean to you.

  4. Augh! I wish I knew an inexpensive, sure-fire flea infestation killer. But I don't. If I can scrape together a little money to throw at you, though, I will.

    1. Apparently spreading salt around is supposed to kill fleas, still too early to see if it really works (initial results look promising), but it's something that is non-toxic (no spending the day watching over my cat and lizard in the driveway because the house is deadly) inexpensive, and something that I can buy with food money. So if it does work I have high hopes for beating back the fleas in a more lasting way than previous attempts.
