
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Present conditions (pictures)

Ok, so, there is weather here right now and I thought I'd take some pictures.  Nothing too impressive mind you, don't get your hopes up.

In fact, looking through them, the only ones that really came out were of my house.  So first, even though it was taken last, this is my house with no flash:

Other than the fact that they the color of the streetlight dominates everything, that looks fine, right?  Here's four pictures I took with flash, in as rapid succession as the refresh time on the flash would allow, right before that one.

And before I took those I had to take the camera off of automatic because with each picture it tried more and more to focus on the snow:

So long as I'm going back in time, this is before the storm started:

And here's something you might remember, also from before the storm:

It seems like, liquid or solid, the water just wants that thing.


  1. I posted, but I think blogspot ate it.

    I live just outside London/UK. Three inches of snow is panic time. Six, and everything's stopped.

    To get between my house and the road means getting up or down a 1-in-6 slope.

    1. I hate it when it eats things. If it merely spam-trapped them instead of losing them I could restore them from the spam-trap, but instead it just makes things disappear. I think of all the times someone's post hasn't posted only one time was it accidentally marked as spam and thus recoverable, the rest the post was lost to the non-existent aether.

  2. Vaguely related:

    This morning I found your black boots in the back of my van. I wish I possessed the magical ability to transmogrify them into warm snowboots, but it is so far not working. Anyway, that's where they are, in case you wondered.

    1. There's so many steps.
      -Remember that they exist
      -Remember where they are
      -Put them into the van
      *long drive*
      -Remember that they exist
      -Remember where they are
      -Take them out of the van

      I think all steps but the last one were successful, though I'm not sure.
