
Friday, October 4, 2013

Why does everyone remember the bread crumbs?

The trail of bread crumbs didn't work.  It was the pebbles that worked.  The smooth polished pebbles that gleamed in the moonlight.  But then they got taken out again before the pebble supply could be restocked and used bread crumbs as a substitute which failed because the birds came and ate the bread crumbs.

Which is why you shouldn't feed the pigeons: it encourages them to help witches eat small children.


  1. Once, when lost in a corn maze, my group used bits of paper to mark areas we'd already been. Remembering this story, we specifically chose paper for its inedibility. (Well, you can eat paper--I occasionally did so myself when I was experimenting with staying up all night as a kid--but it's generally a last resort.)

    1. When I was lost in a corn maze I didn't do anything nearly that intelligent.

  2. Why not pick up the pebbles on the way home?

    1. A shameful lack of forward thinking on the part of children being abandoned in the woods?
