
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Probably on account of me not saying anything interesting...

this blog is declining in terms of pageviews (I don't get stats on unique visitors even though that's a more meaningful thing to know.)

So therefore: something interesting.


Actually, what would be interesting to me is some response from the readers.  Likes, dislikes, so forth.  Specifically what you like or dislike here, but if you'd like to give a full bio I'm not going to stop you.


  1. What I like isn't necessarily the same stuff I respond to. I like the fiction snippets but I rarely have anything much to say about them. I appreciate you sharing the problematic stuff in your life but whenever I reply to that I'm trying hard not to come over as "let me tell you what's wrong with you and how to fix it, for I am older and wiser". When you get into the deconstructive or the technical I think I'm more prone actually to have something (that I find) interesting to say.

  2. I love Edith and Ben and snarky twilight and the various other fiction snippets. I find the deconstructions fascinating. The thing you do with paintings seems very odd to me. Please note that I am not using 'odd' in a negative judgement sense. I mean that I sit here, scratch my head and don't get it, which is not a bad thing. Since I am endlessly curious about people, I appreciate what you share about your personal life.

    I am more likely to comment when I want to convey empathy, when I believe what I have to say is amusing/witty, and when I am in firm agreement/want to support something. I don't ususally comment just to put my 2 cents in, I usually limit comments to when I feel I can contribute to a conversation.


  3. I have you in my feed reader (which means I don't know if I show up in pageviews) because of your amazing awesomeness in Ana Mardoll's comments.

  4. I'd like to see you connect more with folks in comments. The few times I've commented, I've been ignored. So maybe I'm not connecting, or maybe it's not your style, but that's one reason I check in places.

    1. You definitely haven't been ignored, but I can definitely see how it would feel that way. I'm sorry.

    2. Expanding on that, there's a back and forth that goes on and I'm not always sure when to continue it and when to stop.

      I make a post, I've said something. You make a comment, you've said something. Now it's my turn again, but at this point we've both had an equal chance to speak our minds. If I say something back to you is that continuing the conversation or insisting on getting the last word in? How do I tell the difference? I honestly don't know.

      I need commenters to speak in the same way I need to make new posts, if it doesn't happen there's silence. But should I then be responding to every comment? In that case half of the comments would be me. That seems... I don't know, overkill maybe.

      But be aware that I do read every comment, and appreciate them as well. The exception being spam. I skim spam just enough to make sure it is spam. But other than that I read every comment.

    3. I feel like, since it's your own blog, you should be having the last word at least half the time. It's not thread killing; it's you responding to people's thoughts. If that prompts a continuing conversation, great. If not, you acknowledged someone's contribution.

  5. I think your fiction is generally amazing: I just don't tend to post comments to this effect because I feel like I should have a clever thing to say if I'm going to make a comment, and I rarely have a clever thing to say.

    Also, the recent "How not to be a privileged ass" post is EPIC. I'm not sure exactly what category it falls into, but I do know I'd be interested in reading more posts of said category.

    1. If I had an activism category it would probably fall under that, but I am so very much not an activist.

    2. Sure, but you can be a "writing about/around activism" person.
