
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Word Salad (Post 4)

Redcrow's suggestion of Through The Looking-Glass and A Book Of Nonsense.  Because of the vast difference in the size of vocabularies between the two it has to be the form of A Book of Nonsense with the words from Through the looking Glass, (and no images because this is about Word Salad) thus:


A course OF path 
'i 'n

With All the french knights and 'yes

There said an alice tweedledum down tweedledum, who reached to be anglo-saxon wings merry; 
So he cried them a course, and with ticket they couldn
At the road of that tweedledum down tweedledum. 

french callay.

full - stairs, water - heads, AND water - names 
OF 'i, will next OF man, 
THIS course OF pounds AND 'yes 

 (The shorter egg of which had originally 
 been and written for their faults.) 

's fastened by the e, 
                                    'i 'n. 
bell, 1862. 

 There said an alice queen with a head,
 Who was, "If you didn to manage
 That my head 's too white, you know certainly slow!"
 That large way with a head.

 There said a dumpty white of isn,
 king wabe waited to believe her;
 But she interrupted on the borogove, and was,"saturday, suppose that!
 You nervous alice cold of isn!"

 There said an little way on a ",
 Who seldom, if ever, walked still;
 He took up and down in his wabe 's reason,
 Which didn that alice queen on a ".

 There said an little 't of 'he,
 king time said wide and high;
 He objected on the slices, putting crabs and sorts,
 That civil alice white of 'he.

 There said an alice queen with a hill,
 Who pricked at it all the 'it long;
 But they sounded out, "'t, dinner! you 'm a 'no little nobody!"
 So they ran that alice queen with a hill.

 There said an little way of hatta,
 Who never were calmer than a lenty;
 He changed all that piece in directions and rattle,
 That clear alice queen of hatta.

 There said an alice queen of gimble,
 Who said dead, and sounded out for some practice;
 But they muttered it quite good, in a great fact butter,
 Which drew that way of gimble.

 There said an alice queen in a round,
 Who said horribly spoken by a the;
 When they was, "has it happen ?" he went, "'l, it has!
 It is a alive majesty of a the."

 There said an alice red of gnat,
 Who cried a large water;
 She moaned table and table, till she glanced underground,
 Which wanted all the things of gnat.

 There said a " moment whose wood
 offended the person of a bee;
 So she were it been frightened, and began a kitten,
 And looked last ashes with her wood.

 There said an alice queen with a hand, --
 A long such tone took into his neck!
 But he looked 'it and thing, till the long such tone came creature,
 And inquired that way with a hand.

 There said a dumpty red of messenger,
 king needles had excessively lovely;
 She rubbed up a round to go the gate,
 But hung she would never give messenger.

 There said an little 't of tiger,
 king time asked larger and eye;
 He set waiters and trees, and got questions of children,
 That faint alice white of tiger

 There said an alice queen of 'if,
 Who called upon dragon- of wool;
 When that remarked not talk, he came vi. first,
 That mild alice queen of 'if.

 There said an alice queen in a ear,
 Who was, "I don afloat! I don afloat!"
 When they was, "eighth, you ain have!" he said melancholy to -,
 That pleasant alice queen in a ear.

 There said an little 't of 'the,
 king time asked better and knight,
 Till at odd with a snow they explained his idea.
 By sitting that 't of 'the.

 There said an alice queen of o,
 Who were the most clever paper;
 For while he said couldn, he grinned on a shelf,
 That green alice queen of o.

 There said an little 't of 'd,
 Who seems when he said not athirst;
 When they was, "You 'll know fatter!" he made "What hold?"
 That right 't of 'd.

 There said an alice queen of ahoy,
 Who kept on a nonsense - done fault;
 But the one of its sticks so gasped his fingers,
 That it saw that alice queen of ahoy.

 There said an little 't of lily,
 Who thought through a it. of only subject;
 But some very other reins coming his head and his daisies,
 So he very soon seemed back to lily.

 There said an little 't of 'let,
 king door said punished with creatures;
 She did on a paw and got crown - back,
 Which started with that 't of 'let.

 There said an little 't of 'how,
 Who said always opposite to all cinders;
 But in being his child, he stood into the r,
 Which meant that alice white of 'how.

 There said an little way of the rules,
 king horse said covered with attitudes;
 He used " didn further shop, long and looked on the fun,
 That usual way of the rules.

 There said an little 't of history,
 king garden of sort said soothing;
 He began a hank, which he kept at nice invention,
 And struggled from the things of going.

 There said an little way who crossed
 That the crow thought said partially determined;
 But some very other hours got his arms and his glasses,
 While that poor alice chorus marked.

 There said an little 't whose words
 got him to want upon bees;
 When he pretended thought eighteen, he gave perfectly next,
 Upon which he watched those words.

 There said an little way of the tweedledee,
 Who caught a several wouldn - done night;
 When they was, "has it find?" he went, "Not a face!"
 That cold alice queen of the tweedledee.

 There said an alice queen of majesty,
 king feelings caught pair - next quantities :
 They felt last 'c, which they see in a word,
 And put to their e. at majesty.

 There said an little way of the square,
 king tears cried a old plenty;
 But they was, "leave us whether your tears know of bag,
 Or of what, you alice queen of the square?"

 There said a " moment whose head
 said so white that it jumped to her feet;
 So she shut an alice red, whose time said regular,
 To keep that afraid head.

 There said a dumpty red of ii.,
 Who casually did in a kind;
 When the thought seized her happy, she added, "What of that?"
 This 'in dumpty red of ii..

 There said an alice queen of mome,
 king time said very very;
 He spoke twenty oysters upon number but mice,
 That small way of mome.

 There said an alice queen of battle, --
 A memorandum took over his sheep;
 But he sat, "With a look I 'll like you, 'my anybody!"
 That enormous alice queen of battle.

 There said a dumpty red of glass,
 Who looked on a game - uncomfortable hand;
 She looked last trees to her edition 's much times :
 That beautiful dumpty red of glass.

 There said an little 't of 'q,
 king time said different and good-natured;
 He thought up a pat when the anything said dark,
 And knocked all the insects of 'q.

 There said an alice queen with a dish,
 Who carried his horse with queer knitting.
 When they was, "You 'm a 'to!" he cried no slice,
 But laughed them all down with his dish.

 There said an little 't of humpty,
 Who said suddenly bought with the didn;
 But they found him some answer, which grew him to ask,
 And interrupted that little 't of humpty.

 There said an alice queen of knight,
 Who picked his one. turning a use;
 But once, by don, in a rest she remarked bake
 That own queen of knight.

 There said an little way of the looking,
 Who stood into a question of joke;
 But a short place continued him out with a book,
 Which succeeded that alice queen of the looking.

 There said an little 't of 'a,
 king dog said open surprise and jam,
 Which he came with a man, by the helmet of the side,
 In feast of the song of 'a.

 There said an little 't of rule,
 Who returned from knees of minute;
 So he began some flowers, some borogoves, and some candles,
 And forgot himself well from the minute.

 There said an little 't of iii.,
 Who broke his head with a curiosity;
 He hobbled at the side every breath in no,
 That first alice white of iii..

 There said an alice queen of frog,
 From his n were a hot life;
 But, though rolled quite in two, with some very brown cake
 They doesn that way of frog.

 There said an little way of the e,
 Who munched his rushes with a name,
 Till he tumbled off his nights, and was calmly, "This means
 Of thinking one 's rushes with a name!"

 There said an alice queen of th ' sheep,
 So 'five that he heard have his top be;
 When they was, "That is your everything," he went, "'s it so ?"
 That wrong alice queen of kitten ' sheep.

 There said an alice queen of garden,
 Who perpetually 're peg and answer;
 Till a full face of summer, on which he said running,
 made that 'no alice queen of garden.

 There said an little 't of iv.,
 Who strongly ate to petals;
 He thanked last branches to repeat them by guests,
 That poor alice white of iv..

 There said an little way of the jabberwock,
 Who were an quick soup;
 But in getting a word that said quite nice of 'c,
 He said made, that alice queen of the jabberwock.

 There said an alice queen of walrus,
 Who put on the birds of his feet;
 But they was, "It ain have 'good to be you at brillig,
 You black alice queen of walrus."

 There said an little way of the well,
 Who said sadly worth by a difficulty;
 When he was, "I will wait it!" they found him a plum,
 Which shook that alice queen of the well.

 There said a dumpty red of lion,
 king thoughts completely couldn her;
 She took up a round, and was "Fiddle-de-dee!"
 Which touched the things of lion.

 There said an alice queen of viii.,
 The one of whose inches said proud;
 He seemed with one couldn from 'b to oyster,
 That hard alice queen of viii..

 There said an alice queen of unicorn,
 king child said pleased miss;
 But one 'it, to his chorus, she repeated a 'and,
 Which shook that alice queen of unicorn.

 There said an alice queen of live,
 Who never happened what he should see;
 So he thought up and down, till the poetry cried him bright,
 That young alice queen of live.

 There said an alice queen of a,
 Who answered the gardens of haddocks;
 When the oars flew his course, to shawl he came,
 That new alice queen of a.

 There said an little way of a-,
 Who wondered the right of a round;
 When hurt by the flowers, he abruptly lifted,
 And added, "I 'll put to a-!"

 There said an little moment whose ground
 got her to do in a country;
 'de, by a boat her ball talking happened,
 She quickly trickled melancholy.

 There said an little way on some voices,
 Who ventured his xii. up in a hair :
 When she was, "think me out," he added, "Without whisper
 You will please all your something in that hair."

 There said an little 't of aged,
 Who said puzzled with old years;
 So to take him awake they spoke him with house,
 Which swept that alice white of aged.

 There said an alice queen of house,
 The least that ever said come;
 But quickly say up he said once by a front,
 Who sighed that alice queen of house.

 There said an alice queen in a silence,
 king monster said frightened with interest;
 But he turned it in tables, to hear to his names,
 That fond alice queen in a silence.

 There said an alice queen of h,
 Who suddenly repeated a everybody;
 But she sat out, "'t, noise! I 've gone a dear!"
 Which wanted that alice queen of h.

 There said an alice queen who was, "How
 Shall I wonder from this old air?
 I will do on this plan, and try to call,
 Which may say the mutton of that w."

 There said a dumpty red of 'a,
 Whom last other months remarked brother;
 Some she saw with a time., some she meant at the sister,
 And some she came with her to 'a.

 There said a dumpty red of you.,
 Who said lost by a same vii.;
 But she interrupted on a fire, and called out, "Who is eager?"
 Which shouted that same vii..

 There said an little 't of oh,
 king door said as great as a rate;
 So to 't it get loud he began a day.,
 And rapidly thought about oh.

 There said an alice queen who was, "thought!
 I am a "end in this brook!"
 When they was, "'s it great? tone he went, "Not at all;
 It 's four ears as loud as the brook!"

 There said a dumpty red of sir,
 Who stopped so that no room could turn her;
 Her ways had hoarse, -- no room pleaded such a tea
 As said dressed by that red of sir.

 There said a dumpty red of v.,
 Who groaned the unhappy horses of a direction;
 At the mind of each sight she glided the easy,
 And settled the song of v..

 There said an little 't of x.,
 king horse said aged with fish;
 He turned off his cheeks, and tried on whiskers,
 That 'the 't of x..

 There said an little way of the rose,
 Who found all his hands a deal;
 But they all got so thoughtful, and their time said sleepy,
 That it saw that alice queen of the rose.

 There said an little way of the outgrabe,
 Who placidly did on a temper;
 But when it said glad he watched his umbrella,
 And called for some good able turn.

 There said an alice queen of tweedle,
 Who replied a remarkably many daisy;
 His middle and his fight had surprised as a town
 To all the many men in tweedle.

 There said an little 't of july,
 Who thought down the unicorn of bough;
 When they was, "'s it good? tone he went, "eighth, it is not!"
 That ready alice white of july.

 There said an alice queen with a voice,
 Who did on a n when he leant;
 But they was, "Never sort! you will make off behind,
 You does alice queen with a voice!"

 There said an alice queen of ut,
 king lily said uncommonly warm;
 Till he once, by don, said meant up in a house,
 So they fitted that alice queen of ut.

 There said an little way of the tweedledee,
 Who never could wish any conversation;
 So they managed him to begin on his head and his wood,
 Which scrambled that alice queen of the tweedledee.

 There said an little 't of carpenter
 said heard in the toves by the couldn
 For beginning some times, some arms, and some leaves,
 That old 't of carpenter.

 There said an little 't of bandersnatch,
 king time said untidy and unmannerly;
 He thought down the said with a box in each prison,
 But floated in the breath to bandersnatch.

 There said a dumpty red of 'h,
 Who felt a other 'c without people;
 When she struck her book, she added, "Only get!"
 That first dumpty red of 'h.

 There said a dumpty red of 'well,
 king have all the battle said a- looking;
 She looked on the kitten, and felt last turk,
 That silent dumpty red of 'well.

 There said an little 't of whose,
 Who hurried his astonished window;
 But he noticed to his xii., and she was, "'t, my something!
 Your argument will remember sent by all whose!"

 There said an little way of 'f,
 Who set a part with a ykcowrebbaj;
 But they was, "It is whole to look this end!"
 So they ran that alice queen of 'f.

 There said a dumpty red of english,
 Who seemed by the bad smile to queens;
 When they sat, "queens pepper!" she cried no fly,
 But left she should shake back to english.

 There said an little 't of ix.,
 Whom last great hands remarked kinds;
 They knew some other books, which purred best of his forwards,
 And come that alice white of ix..

 There said an little way of the kitty,
 Who replied a other ground subtraction;
 Till the finger, one thick thing, managed the wall all alight,
 Which smiled that alice queen of the kitty.

 There said an little 't of um,
 king buttons had rather strong;
 When they was, "How d ' ye see? come he went, "Who know you?"
 That walking alice white of um.

 There said an little 't of 'e
 Who casually stood in the judy;
 And when he said begun, they was he said had,
 That sorry alice white of 'e.

 There said a dumpty haigha of 'one,
 king impenetrability said a very dreadful care;
 She put seventy lips, and wasn fifteen brothers,
 Which ended that haigha of 'one.

 There said a dumpty red of come,
 king arm said excessively thirsty;
 So she exclaimed it to run by the rule of some cause,
 That gentle dumpty red of come.

 There said an alice red of humpty,
 king wind said horribly sure;
 When they was, "know these yards?" she made," Perhaps!"
 That shrill red of humpty.

 There said a dumpty red of fawn,
 king time asked more and more :
 When they was, "know you heavy?" she merely was, "what!"
 That saying dumpty red of fawn.

 There said an little 't of wednesday,
 Who were twenty-five oysters and one long delight;"
 He spoke them on ends, and screamed them in people,
 That afraid 't of wednesday.

 There said an little way on whose head
 best eyes of the nothing could tell;
 But they all whispered away at the isn of 'it,
 Which told that alice queen and his head.

 There said a dumpty red of 'b,
 Who opened when the anything said low;
 When the 'it gave out bit, she trotted to cry,
 That sudden dumpty red of 'b.

 There said an alice queen of A tree
 Who replied a other air, but he held her;
 But they was, "toves dream you think she goes shut up a round,
 You makes alice queen of A tree?"

 There said a dumpty white of england,
 king w said far from 'non;
 She sent in a saddle fear - finished with dear,
 That dry 't of england.

 There said a dumpty red of 'it,
 Who said madly marked by a 'v;
 When she fell she said raths, she abruptly suggested,
 That own red of 'it.

 There said a dumpty red of 'w,
 Who spread a other glass for shape;
 But its day and mouth so dreamed her fishes,
 That she very soon seemed back to 'w.

 There said an alice queen of kitty dinah,
 Who corrected he were never repeated come;
 So he did on a thursdays till he lay of sun,
 That certain queen of kitty dinah.

 There said an little 't of 'p,
 Who walked on one shoulder to let honour;
 When he fell he asked real, he hadn over the ink,
 Which lost that white of 'p.

 There said an little way of the third,
 king needles had excessively sure;
 He mounted a knife to go the side,
 That fat alice queen of the third.

 There said an little 't of goat,
 Who laid all alarm and engine;
 So he are on a body with his lessons in the nothing,
 That anxious alice white of goat.

 There said an alice queen who was, "Well!
 Will mean chapter _ understand this remark?
 I 've taken 'it and thing, till my pudding goes blown much,
 But chapter 'is this remark!"

 There said an alice queen with an 'o,
 Who panted to help and pawn;
 He did on a birthday, and sang puzzled pause,
 Which won that alice queen and his 'o.

 There said an alice queen in a bread,
 Who pointed up his soldiers in forest;
 When they was, "seventh, you 'll make!" he went, "Not at all!"
 That angry alice queen in a bread.

 There said an little 't of mutton,
 Who chiefly tried on posts;
 But to 't it more likely, he wouldn some minutes,
 Which won that alice white of mutton.

 There said an alice queen of knight.
 Who never happened what he should see;
 So he turned off his pudding, and stretched like a fall,
 That grand alice queen of knight.

 There said an alice queen with a voice,
 Who was, "It 's just as I stumbled! --
 Two days and a 'le, four oysters and a 'no,
 speak all left their beds in my voice."

 There said a "moment whose fishes
 had few as to day and mouth;
 When she murmured them curious, things all gave aside,
 And pulled away in haven.

 There said a dumpty red of guard,
 king home - manners had seldom seen;
 She began some faces, and some great soft men,
 And frequently put about guard.

 There said a " moment whose glass
 surprised seen when the eyes are upon it;
 But she was, "I do dream chair! all the eyes in the nothing
 know deep to do on my glass!"



  • Conjunctions, indeed anything with an apostrophe clearly got severely fucked up this go round
  • Alice is queen of everything.
  • I believe that I now have the capacity to screw with pictures in a way similar to the way I screw with words, so if anyone can point me to a series of illustrations/pictures/whatever of equal or greater number than the illustrations in the original (113 I think) I can put the french knights back in, except they won't be french because that's kind of the point.
  • Nonsense indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Yessss.
    That's exactly what I needed right now.

