
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I'm sort of wondering who is out there, so if I've ever written words that were pleasing to you, say something now.  Introduce yourself.  If there are enough people out there, talk amoungst yourselves.

Yes, this is in part because I left my computer at home and can only go near the blog when I'm taking a break from what I need to be doing in order to check my email to see if someone has said anything important (and I can only check my school email, not my normal one) so far no one has.  But I am genuinely interested in who is reading.  I only know a couple of things:
1 Who is subscribed
2 Who is a frequent commenter

Pretty sure that doesn't quite cover everyone who reads.  So speak up, introduce yourself, and pretend that I'm saying deep and profound things.


  1. I've got you on my RSS feed, though I rarely comment. I also often forget I mean to log in with Wordpress and not Google (because disqus uses my google), so I'm also "Bay" with a Blogger account I haven't touched in like seven years.

  2. Well, that explains who "Bay is, and this concludes my quick internet access while I check email.

  3. Pong!
    Oh, right, not that kind.

    I'm Brin. I learned shortly after picking it that some people have Brin as their legal surname, but I'm not one of them. The "Female" on my Blogger profile is not because I had to pick something* and forgot to or couldn't mark it private, but rather a deliberate indicator of pronouns. I'm confident I'm in the "frequent commenter" category, which leaves me unsure if I should be bothering to write this. I talk about me quite a bit, but generally as and when relevant. I think introductions feel too much like starting a conversation for me to be comfortable with them.

    *You don't, with Blogger.

  4. Brin, actually ICMP Echo Reply packets are often referred to as "pongs"...

    I'm subscribed to posts and comments via RSS. I have an OpenID login under this name but rarely use it because I don't like the cross-site trackability. Because posts here often take some actual thought to respond to, I tend to go quiet for some days and then generate several responses in a batch.

    1. Brin, actually ICMP Echo Reply packets are often referred to as "pongs"...

      Ehehehe. I have learned something new today, thank you.

  5. ::waves:: Most of you, I'm at least passingly acquainted with already. I read here, but I don't comment all that often - usually because I don't feel like I have much to add.

  6. I am reading as well, if not commenting. Came here from Ana Mardoll's Twilight deconstruction posts.

  7. Reading. Not commenting much, because I am better at good intentions about commenting than I am with actually commenting. But definitely reading.

  8. I read and sometimes remember to comment? Not that I feel like I generally have much to say, I usually just ramble about something sort of related and then get embarrassed. *s*

    Still, I do read fairly regularly. I don't use RSS because.... I don't really know why not, and I don't have a login because I haven't bothered to set one up, but I do reliably use the same handle.

  9. I read. I'm not sure if I've commented before. Mostly I lurk. *shrugs*

  10. Reading via RSS; came here from Slactivisr (where I also lurk) due to your flash fic and other insightful comments.

  11. I read but still don't comment much. (Even though I keep telling myself I should.)

    I'm not subscribed - I just pop over from Ana's blog or from having you bookmarked.

  12. I read and enjoy, I just never comment because I can rarely think of anything to add.

  13. I read via RSS, found you from Ana Mardoll, and am catching up on blogs from a hiatus in which I read no blogs and a lot of Harry Potter fanfic.

  14. pong. i read. but sometimes i'm a little late in reading.
