
Friday, December 21, 2012

The end of an Era (image post)

It think we can probably safely assume that people coming here looking for information on the Mayan Calendar will end today, not that the posts on it were ever that popular in the first place, still clearly these have seen their day come and go:

About the Mayan Calendar Part 1: Our Calendar and the Long Count
About the Mayan Calendar Part 2: Hypothetical Calendars
About the Mayan Calendar Part 3: Modular Arithmetic and the the Tzolk'in
About the Mayan Calendar Part 4: The Haab' and the Calendar Round
About the Mayan Calendar Part 5: Prophecy and the Short Count

On the accuracy of the Mayan Calendar,

Yesterday I said all that I'm going to say about the end of the word, so today I figured I'd make a post with images because I've been taking pictures of dawn and sunset for so long that it's about time I used at least one of them for something.

Some people believe that the world as we know it will end today, it will be the end of an era, the sunset of our age:

(Click on smaller image to see it larger) 

Others think that it is instead the dawn of a new era:

(Click on smaller image to see it larger)

And for a lot of people it's some other time of day:

Or night:

Crap, I forgot something, while going through pictures I came across this, I realize it's not plural, but even so:
(And yes, I know it's a mess.)


  1. I like photographs of sunsets. And sunrises.

    Your cat looks like a calico version of catzilla. (Unless it's just the light, and she's not really three-coloured.)


    1. Your cat looks like a calico version of catzilla. (Unless it's just the light, and she's not really three-coloured.)

      She's calico.

      The vet was able to deduce that without seeing her first based on her disposition as a kitten. She was about the size of my fist, which is in no way an exceptionally large fist, and she kept on trying to pick fights with our then-current dog. The dog at the time, a beautiful mutt named Cindy somewhat larger than the dog in the picture (Wally), was old, laid back, getting sick, and not in the kind of mood that would have her get drawn into such a fight.

      When the vet learned that a tiny kitten was trying to take on Cindy he guessed, "Female calico." Calico being the part that was impressive. With very few exceptions (which require extreme genetic anomalies I'm told) all calicoes are female.

  2. A dog and a cat living together! Oh, it's the end times, sonny, it's the end times...

    Aw, they look so sweet lying like that, maybe that's why the gods decided to spare us.
    "Oh Lord, let me be half the person my dog thinks I am."
