
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's a white Christmas (images)

So, woke up today to unexpected weather and the finding of my camera:

Which means I can take better pictures of the tree, which also, unfortunately, give you better pictures of the mess:

(Click for larger images)

Now the observant observer will notice that the star, so bright last night, is not lit.  The brightness should have been a warning sign that something was wrong.  Here's a picture of some of the damage:

So the star is now unplugged.  (It wasn't for those pictures, it was just burnt out.)  There was once another star, too large for our tree so we put it on the smaller one, but it seems to have gone missing.  So I improvised and produced this:

I don't have anything more to say.


  1. I know families where the improvised star would instantly become an unalterable tradition that must be done every year exactly like this.

  2. It's an undersea star!

    1. I feel as though I'm missing something here.

    2. It looks (to me) a bit like it's covered in the little critters that live in tidal pools. (But tidal pool star doesn't sound very good, and as it was meant to be a good thing...)

    3. I now understand exactly what you're talking about.

  3. Yay! The Recent Comments widget is back!

    Also, congratulations on the shininess of your tree.

    1. Slightly more complicated than that.

      The widget I was using apparently crashed when Google did some of the patent pending Google-fuckery that is annoying Ana so often. Then, as I recall, I never took it down. It just disappeared.

      Never to be seen again, it would seem.

      I thought I was going to have to manually put in every day "People are talking here, people are talking there," in a text or HTML widget.

      What eventually transpired is that I found I could add a generic feeds widget and have the feed in question be the comments for the blog. So that's what's up there now.

    2. And thank you for complementing the tree.
